Latest updates in CBSE CCE REPORT CARD
for session 2012-2013

CBSE has made some changes related to CCE Report Card for session 2012-2013.

1. Well defined grade up-scaling policy for session 2012-2013.

2. Same subjects should be opted by a candidate under Scholastic Areas Part 1(A) in Class IX and Class X.

3. Co-Scholastic Areas & Activity should be accessed once in an academic year.

4. The descriptive indicator shall be provided by the Board. Board took this decision as
There were many spelling, grammatical mistakes and variations in the Descriptive Indicators provided by the Schools. In view of this, Descriptive Indicators were provided by the Board.

5. Assessment in Co-scholastic areas & activities is to be done on 5 point scale.

6. Grades for Co-scholastic areas & activities should be A, B, C, D, & E instead of A+, A, B, B+ & C used earlier.

7. Domains of assessment for co-scholastic areas & activities has been modified. New set of domain is as follows:

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